
National Geographic defines pollution as the introduction of harmful materials into the environment.
Pollution is caused by a lot of things such as car and truck exhaust, fumes, factories, dust, pollen, mold spores, ect...
Pollution isn't only in the air, but also in the water and in the ground.
Pollution is one of the biggest problems nowadays, in some territories there is so much pollution that the balance of nature by now has changed forever.

Pollution can be anthropic like nuclear pollution that destroys huge areas for many many years, but it can be also natural such as volcano eruptions that have effects similar to nuclear pollution. But how many types of pollution are there nowadays? Well, there are nine types of pollution:

- Water pollution; 

- Ground pollution;

- Atmospheric pollution;

- Electromagnetic pollution;

- Radioactive pollution; 

- Thermal pollution;

- Light pollution;

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